

Adolescentes Pregnancy

One of the most complex problems now confronting human reproduction occurs precisely in this period: the teen pregnancy, considered as a biomedical problem with high risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth, which carries increased morbidity and maternal mortality, perinatal and neonatal care. It also has cultural and psychological implications of high cost with personal, educational, family and social From the sociocultural perspective, pregnant teens limits their opportunities to study and work, since most of them are forced to drop out of school, leaving the teenager with a very low level of education that does not allow access to decent work necessary to meet at least their basic needs. This situation is exacerbated by their status as single mother that is most of these adolescents, because the partner is usually a teenager or young person who does not take their parental responsibility, leading to a neglect of emotional, economic and social development in the mother

environmental issues in colombia

There are many environmental issues in Colombia but deforestation is one of the major concerns. New environmental protection legisl ation was enacted in 1991, including the creation of specially protected zones, of which more than 200 were created in the early 1990s, mostly in forest areas and national parks. As a result of this charter, the Ministry of the Environment was established in 1993, but merged with the housing and drinking water division of the Ministry of Economic Development, Housing, and Potable Water in 2003. Current issues include deforestation resulting from lumber exploitation in the jungles of the mazon  and the region of Chocó; illicit drug crops grown by peasants in the national parks ofSerranía de la Macarena and Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta; soil erosion; soil and water quality damage from contamination by the use of chemicals in the coca-refining process, spillage of crude oil into the local rivers as a result of guerrilla sabotage of pipelines, and overuse of
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Tiempos verbales parte 2

tiempos verbales en ingles parte 1